Friday, June 4, 2010

World Cup IV (Post V)

Hello All,
So when we last left my World Cup predictions, we had four teams in the running to become the World Champion. If things weren't getting intense up to this point, then this will be the most exciting part of the tournament. Today, I will predict the final four matches and then the 3rd place and final match. The World Cup is one week away so everyone should be getting crazy excited. Again, everything I've posted on this blog thus far has been a prediction and I would be incredibly happy if it actually turned out this way.

Alright, so lets finish this:

England (1C) vs. Brazil (1G)
This is would be a big match and I would be very excited to see how it played out. Both teams fought hard and played well to get to this point. Brazil would be the clear favorite but I believe that the first half will end nil-nil with England playing amazingly well. However, Brazil would pick it up in the second half, score a few goals, and put England away to make their way to the final match.
Winner: Brazil

South Africa (2A) vs. Spain (1H)
South Africa has made a surprising run for the Cup at this point and with their home team crowd and strong momentum, they are going to make this game interesting too. However, Spain is too strong and is wanting the trophy too much at this point and will probably just overpower South Africa. I hope South Africa gets this far because they would deserve it. Go Matthew Booth! But Spain will win this match.
Winner: Spain

Alright, now we will move on to the 3rd place match to determine who will get the bronze and the final match for the World Cup.

England (1C) vs. South Africa (2A)
This would be a great match for third place. South Africa, still feeling the defeat from Spain will come out blasting at all cylinders and wanting to take home some prestige. The English will have broken momentum and probably some ill feelings based on their match against Brazil and won't be able to match the home-team, glory filled South African team. South Africa will win this game and make one of the best runs at the cup for a lower-seeded team.
Winner: South Africa

World Cup Finals: Brazil (1G) vs. Spain (1H)
What a match this will be. The final match to determine the Champion of the World will be very close and come down to the last tick. I don't see the match going into Penalty Kicks after regulation as it did four years ago, but the final tick on stoppage time will still be incredibly intense. It will be tied 1-1 going into the second half and Spain will strike putting them up 2-1. It will stay like this until the final moment and Brazil will come very close but will fall short. Spain wins the match 2-1 and wins their first World Cup
Winner and World Cup Champion: Spain

Ok, so there are my predictions for the 2010 World Cup spanning four posts. I hope you enjoyed reading this and hope that it has also primed you up for whats ahead over the next month. Again the winners will hopefully be:

Champions: Spain
2nd Place: Brazil
3rd Place: South Africa

Alright, I will be blogging a fair amount during the Cup, I'm sure but I will also be returning to anything and everything else sports related from here on out. Thanks for readin...


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